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Waves Essential 6-Months Subscript.
Essential 6-Months Subscript.
Waves Essential 6-Months Subscript.
Waves Essential 6-Months Subscript., Waves Essential Six Month Subscription (Download), PlugIn Bundle Subscription, Six-month access without automatic renewal to the Waves Essential effects package for production, mixing and mastering, but also for live applications, A total of 110 plug-ins, Selected new plug-ins are added regularly, Always offers the latest version of the included plugins, Includes access to the AI-powered StudioVerse community with thousands of freely available effects chains, Created by experienced producers and sound engineers, Includes many popular vocal editing and mixing effects such as Waves Tune Real-Time, Clarity Vx, Vocal Bender, Vocal Rider, R-Vox, and CLA Vocals, Classic effects of the Renaissance series, Selected analogue emulations including SSL E-Channel, CLA-76 and Kramer Master Tape, CR8 Creative Sampler, A wide range of popular plugins such as F6 Dynamic EQ, H-Delay, L2, PuigTec EQs and many more
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