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Toontrack EZKeys 2
EZKeys 2
Toontrack EZKeys 2, Virtual Piano Songwriting Tool (Download), Elaborately produced piano software and plugin with numerous functions for the implementation of musical ideas for songwriting, composition and production, Core library consists of a carefully miked Fazioli F212 grand piano, recorded at Riksmixningsverket Studio in Stockholm, Sweden, Various sound parameters such as EQ, room proportion or background noise can be edited, Miking can be used via individual outputs in the DAW, Versatile expansion options with separately available EKX extensions, Extensive MIDI library with over 1400 piano patterns for many different styles of music, Bandmate function independently makes musically appropriate suggestions for imported audio and MIDI files, Tap2Find automatically suggests a suitable piano accompaniment based on mouse clicks or MIDI notes entered, Integrated grid editor with intelligent Humanize function for improved timing as well as automatic recognition and adaptation of phrases to scales, scales or chords, Suggested chord function and chord wheel help to find suitable chords or facilitate chord entry, Timeline arranger for creating complete accompaniments including recording function, Easy and intuitive changing of e.g. B. octave, note lengths or complexity of the pattern with Edit-Play-Style, Large selection of presets in the Standard, Effects and Pads categories, Fully scalable user interface
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