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Toontrack EZbass Midi Edition
EZbass Midi Edition
Toontrack EZbass Midi Edition
Toontrack EZbass Midi Edition, Virtual Bass (Download), Contains Toontrack EZbass and 6 individually selectable EZbass MIDI Packs, Elaborately produced bass software and plug-in with 2 basses, based on samples of an Alembic 5-string and a 5-string Fender Jazz Bass, Sub-bass with 2 sine oscillators for more fullness and assertiveness, Includes the playing techniques finger, plectrum and slap, Numerous available articulations like alternating fingers, index finger, middle finger, tapping, percussive right hand, percussive left hand’ ghost note, flageolet, slap, pop’ ghost slap, slides, Built-in conversion of real audio tracks to bass MIDI (guitar, bass, drums etc.), MIDI library with natural bass patterns for all genres and styles, Automatic creation of matching basslines to imported MIDI drum and keyboard tracks, Song track for recording your own MIDI tracks and arranging MIDI patterns, Intuitive creation of matching transitions and slides, Edit Play Style function for more variations, Grid editor with numerous editing options, Tab2Find function, Meta search, Flexible view options, Expandable with Toontrack EZbass sound libraries and other EZbass MIDI packs
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