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Slate Digital Infinity Bass
Infinity Bass
Slate Digital Infinity Bass
Slate Digital Infinity Bass, Bass-Enhancer-Plug-in (Download), Tool for sound shaping especially in the bass range, Four processing modes for a wide range of processing potential, This is a bass exciter mode perfect for treating electric, acoustic and synth bass lines as well as kick drums that could use more transient presence, Warm comes with a dual-band subharmonic synthesizer that introduces an octaver-style effect for adding dimension and colour to bass and synth stacks, Deep unlocks a clean sub-bass generator with dynamics control to enhance the low-end of kicks and bass lines as well as full mixes, Phased is an all-pass filter specialised in bass for revitalising weak bass and low-frequency transients, effect depth, frequency range, character and output loudness., Listen mode to isolate and accurately listen to the processed frequencies, Visualiser for visual control of the process
Slate Digital
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