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EastWest Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra
Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra
EastWest Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra
EastWest Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra (ESD); virtual instrument bundle; comprehensive sound library for dramatic, epic and phantastic compositions, film scores and much more; especially suitable for film and game soundtracks as well as creative music productions; consists of the EastWest libraries Hollywood Fantasy Brass, Percussion, Strings, Voices and Winds as well as the scoring tool Hollywood Fantasy Orchestrator; features a variety of unusual and impressive instruments as well as vocals, choir and whispers; every contained phrase is programmed with the moods Classic, Soft, and Epic; sound perfectly matches to EastWest Hollywood Orchestra; Opus software engine supports individual instrument downloads and enables a convenient sound management as well as comprehensive editing features and effects; four freely adjustable microphone positions Close, Mid, Main, and Surround included; audio resolution: 24 Bit / 44,1khz
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