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Cherry Audio PS-3300
Cherry Audio PS-3300
Cherry Audio PS-3300, Virtual Synthesiser (download), Authentic software replica of a legendary and extremely rare 48-voice polyphonic hardware synthesiser from 1977, Precise reproduction of all details of the original instrument, Semi-modular concept with virtual patch cables, Three independent signal generator sections, each with an oscillator, low-pass filter, triple resonator, envelope with velocity sensitivity, amplifier, two LFOs and separate tuning per note, The waveforms triangle, sawtooth, pulse 50 % and two further preset pulse waves with different pulse widths and PWM with variable pulse width are available for each oscillator, Filter with 12 dB / oct. slope and resonance as well as additional switching between original PS-3300 and MS characteristics, Three modulatable “triple resonators”: 12 dB/oct bandpass filters to produce vowel and phasing tones, Velocity-sensitive ADSR envelope for filter and gain modulation, Two synchronisable “mod generators” called LFOS with patch outputs, LFO 1 offers the waveforms triangle, sawtooth, ramp, square and pink and white noise, LFO 2 is limited to triangle waveform, Section for individual tunings with tuning controls for the 12 semitones and presets for equal temperament, meantone, hepatonal and pure tuning, Copy & paste function between the three signal generators, Up to 24-voice polyphony and three monophonic playing modes, Master mixer section with sample & hold, global envelope and two control voltage processors, integrated effects section with chorus, synchronisable echo and reverb with three algorithms, Complete MIDI control and DAW automation, Convenient enlargement of the user interface at the click of a mouse, Over 360 presets
Cherry Audio
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