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Cherry Audio Harmonia
Cherry Audio Harmonia
Cherry Audio Harmonia, Virtual Synthesizer (Download), Innovative synthesis concept for creating complex and dynamically evolving polyphonic sounds via an intuitive user interface, Two sample-based oscillators and interpolated harmonic scanning technology with similarities to additive synthesis, Carefully selected sample library with 285 samples in 11 categories, Import your own samples, Dual audio path: most waveform samples are stereo for natural width and organic feel with multiple-stacked harmonics, Harmonic mode with six Harmonic Presets for sweeping through sample harmonics to create evolving tones or stacking multiple harmonics to create composite tones, Semitone mode with 23 harmonic presets for creating sequencer-like melodies or pulsating chords, Create and save your own or generate random harmonic presets, Monophonic and polyphonic modes with up to 16 voices, Four tempo-synchronised LFOs with ten waveforms, one-shot mode, retrigger function and monophonic and polyphonic modes, Multimode filter with selectable low-pass, band-pass or high-pass, Low-pass filter with selectable slope of 6 – 24 dB / oct, Eightfold modulation matrix with simple assignment and 19 sources and 80 destinations including the integrated effects, Click-and-drag Filter and Amp ADSR envelopes, Effects: distorion, modulation, echo and reverb, Full MIDI control and DAW automation for all controls, Over 350 presets in 16 categories, Scalable user interface with Focus zoom-in feature, as well as standard UI zoom and resize with drag
Cherry Audio
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