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Cherry Audio Elka-X
Cherry Audio Elka-X
Cherry Audio Elka-X, Virtual Synthesizer (Download), Based on a legendary Italian hardware synthesizer of the early 1980s, Dual multitimbral sound generation for individual split and layer combinations of two patches, 16-Voice polyphonic, Panel control for selecting layers, with useful functions for exchanging settings between sound layers or between presets, Two independently tunable DCOs with triangle, sawtooth, square and variable pulse waveforms, Different voice assignment modes for polyphonic and single voices as well as detunable unison, Both oscillators with PWM cross modulation and ring modulation as well as oscillator 2 with sync option, Noise generator with white and pink noise, Multimode filter oriented on the CEM3320 chip with 12 or 24 dB / oct lowpass, 6 or 12 dB / oct bandpass and 12 dB / oct highpass, Two tempo-synchronous LFOs with the waveforms triangle, sawtooth, ramp, bipolar and unipolar square as well as random waveform for LFO 1 and triangle for LFO 2, Two independent modulation sections with a fixed LFO 1 section and a performance-oriented LFO 2 section for use with pitch and modulation wheel, Velocity-controlled ADSR envelopes for filter and volume with multi-trigger in the monophonic modes, Chord memory function, Tempo sync buttons for LFOs, sequencer and arpeggiator tempo as well as echo to synchronise with the project tempo of the DAW, Step sequencer offers four individual monophonic sequences with up to 128 steps, selectable assignment to one of the two layers and storage together with the presets, Step sequencer functions for copying, swapping and moving sequencer data between tracks or presets, Glide (pitch envelope) and portamento (standard glide) functions can be activated individually per oscillator, Tempo-synchronised arpeggiator with independent assignment to both layers, Effects section with chorus, delay and reverb including algorithm from “Galactic Reverb, Full MIDI control and DAW automation, Over 500 presets, Scalable user interface with focus zoom-in function as well as standard interface zoom and resize by dragging
Cherry Audio
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