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Bitwig Studio Essentials
Studio Essentials
Bitwig Studio Essentials
Bitwig Studio Essentials, Audio MIDI Sequencer (DAW) (Download), Software for composition, intuitive production and live performances, Support for up to four audio inputs and eight audio outputs, Unlimited number of audio MIDI and effect tracks as well as VST and CLAP plug-ins with sidechain support, Versatile functionality with hybrid tracks, arranger and mixer clip launcher, clip automation, dynamic inspector and much more., Operators allow extensive playback options and modification of clips and events, Supports the output of analogue clock signals and control voltages or the complete integration of CV-controlled instruments and MIDI-controlled hardware instruments and effects when using suitable audio MIDI hardware, Sandbox operation for plug-ins protects the entire application from crashes, Contains 3 instruments, 17 audio effects, 4 note FX, 10 modulators, 1 container and 16 sound packages, Support for numerous MIDI controllers and native MPE support, Flexible sync options with Ableton Link, MIDI clock and timecode as well as support for analogue clock signals, Support for multi-touch surfaces and three display profiles for individual monitors, Supported programme languages: Chinese, German, English, Korean, Japanese and Spanish, Includes 12-month update plan
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