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Baby Audio TAIP
Baby Audio TAIP
Baby Audio TAIP, Tape Simulation Plugin (Download), AI-based algorithm simulates the sound behaviour of analogue tape, Enables musical saturation effects and brings better cohesion between individual tracks in the mix, Many flexible settings for precise adjustment of the effect, Drive adds typical sound colourations to the signal, Lo-Shape / Hi-Shape enhances saturation effects in the respective frequency ranges, Glue enhances the cohesion of the individual elements in the mix through subtle compression effects, Noise adds tape noise on demand, Presence allows manual control of band-typical losses in the high-frequency range, Wear combines synchronisation fluctuations and alternative frequency response to emulate a worn tape machine, Input provides a choice of a normal and a “hot” input, Auto Gain ensures constant output level, Choice of black, grey or white colour schemes, Fully scalable user interface
Baby Audio
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