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AIR Music Technology Strike
AIR Music Technology Strike
AIR Music Technology Strike, Virtual Drum Production Studio (Download), Elaborately produced drum plug-in, Recorded at the famous Blackbird Studios in Nashville, Tennessee, 19 Editable drum kits, from an acoustic RnB set to a funky acid-jazz set to a heavily reverberated big 1980s set and much more., Real-time performance engine enables realistic drum grooves with human-like timing and a wide range of tweaking options such as intensity, complexity, timing, groove, playing dynamics and more, Built-in style editor enables the creation of patterns, Import of WAV and AIFF files for use with your own sample libraries, Sophisticated drum mapping for fast arrangements in real-time, Internal mixer for controlling the virtual microphones, such as room share and crosstalk, and for setting EQs and effects, Two insert effects per channel with choice of compressor, limiter, tube saturation, distortion, bit crusher, filter, ring modulator, delay, reverb, phaser, chorus and others, Each instrument with separate routing to the DAW mixer, Audio and MIDI export for easy creation of drum loops and MIDI sequences in the DAW, MIDI Learn function allows easy mapping of MIDI controllers
AIR Music Technology
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